We calculate shipping charges at checkout and the options available are displayed on the basket page once you have selected your delivery country. We aim to ship all orders within 1-2 working days.
International Deliveries
-We ship to most worldwide destinations. If your country is not in our list of countries please email us to find out if we can offer a service.
-Available services and charges are displayed on the basket page and during checkout.
-International orders with multiple items may incur a higher shipping cost than shown. In that case we will email the revised total for your acceptance before processing your order.
-Orders shipped outside the EU may be subject to customs charges. These charges are additional to any delivery costs and will need to be paid by the recipient.
-All consignments are fully insured and despatched using the best selected carrier service.
Dangerous Goods
-Fuel: Please note we can only ship fuel to Cyprus destinations.
-Aerosols: spray paint, motor cleaner etc. can only be shipped to Cyprus destinations.
-Lithium Batteries: Lithium Polymer (Li-Po), Lithium Ion (Li-Ion), Lithium Ferrite (Li-Fe), Lithium Metal and any other batteries containing Lithium can only be shipped to Cyprus destinations.
-Items not permitted for shipping within your country/region will be removed from your basket where possible during the checkout process.
Damages and Non Delivery
-You should inspect the products when you receive them for defects or damage.
-If you take receipt of a defective or damaged item please inform us immediately, in order that we can resolve the matter with minimum delay.
-Any items delivered by courier which appear to be damaged must be signed for as such or refused and returned to sender.
-Non-delivery of an order needs to be reported to us within 7 working days of the date of despatch. Despatch of your order is confirmed by e-mail and this indicates the date of despatch.
Other Information
-All delivery options are subject to availability and working days exclude public holidays.
-Please note that we reserve the right not to deliver an order if we believe the address isn't secure, for example to a communal postal address or PO box. If this affects an order you place, we'll notify you as soon as possible.
-In certain circumstances we may only ship to a verified PayPal or a registered cardholder address.